
Monday, July 30, 2012

Additional Resources

Storyline Online 

Readworks - Standard alignment lessons


ISBE - Teaching and Learning Strategies

ELA Resources

English Core Curriculum 2011-2014

  • ODE Model Curriculum English/Language Arts   The ODE has asked that school districts begin to implement the new curriculum materials in Kindergarten, 11th grade and 12th grade during the 2011-2012 school year.  Standards are broken into subsections by grade level group,anchor standards (college readiness), reading, writing, listening/speaking and related content area ELA standards.

  • Understanding the Common Core - ELA

Understanding Lexiles   
  • One component of the new Core Standards developed by the ODE is a requirement that tradebooks/novels used in Language Arts classes meet a certain Lexile Level. To find the Lexile Level for a book, you can use the Lexile "Find A Book" at  Type in the title of the book, or you can browse for books at a certain Lexile level.  Students can also use this site to find books that are in the right Lexile range for them, even if they do not have an actual "tested" Lexile level. 
  • Lexile Ranges Defined In the ODE Standards/Common Core

Lexile Resource Sites: 


  • Lexile Find-a-Book   students can choose lexile level and books that are interesting to them.  If you are logged in , you can create some simple book lists - but ideally, let the kids sign in and create their own book lists.  Linked to Google Books and WorldCat - for kids to find the book. It also has the high interest, low reading level filter. There is also a book search and an advanced search tab.  Once you click on a book, it also gives you the option to put in the kid's lexile range and it will tell you their expected comprehension.
  • Lexile Analyzer - you can scan an article or run a whole book if you scan it.   For an article, copy and paste text into a Word Document.   Be aware that hyperlinks will be viewed as  "novel, difficult word" so make sure you remove the links.  Go in and fix any punctuation. Remove bylines. Go to File - Save As and save it as plain text. Then save it to the desktop of your computer to upload into the Lexile Analyzer. Word count is 1000 limit. If you'd like to do more, send them an email and they will allow us to do this. This is to prevent publishers from using the tool.




Common Core Tools and Templates
Use the following sites to see how we might structure our learning progressions, lessons and courses of study

  •  ODE  Vertical Alignments


Bay Schools Common ELA Vocabulary



Grammar and Stems Resources

  1. Manipulate the sentences to learn about grammar
  2. Choosing the best verb - an active and passive mini-voice lesson 
  3. Teaching Stems - Book Series: The Word Within A Word by Michael Clay Thompson  ISBN 0-88092-204-4
  4. Perdue OWL - Online Writing Lab
  5. Possible Grammar Curriculum Materials

  1. Online Grammar Course - HyperGrammar University of Ottawa Writing Center
  2. ORC Homepage for 6-12 Reading, Grammar and Writing Skills for College Readiness - these are teacher and student resources 
  3. Study Island - has a Grammar Practice Component - you can check it out at  username bay@teacher   password bay
  4. eMints Grammar Interactives - gr 1-5
  5. ReadWriteThink Resources for Grammar Instruction

Tenth Grade English - OGTs, Writing Skills, Grammar


To Kill a Mockingbird
Lesson Plans

Lessons Related to the Scottsboro Boys Trial


Video Resources

Video Spoofs:

Other Resources


Call of the Wild
Lesson Plans - They complement each other - I would mix and match activities from both lesson plans
Other Lesson Support Materials
Background Resources and Primary Source Materials Related to Nature Fakers - Many of these resources are available through Google Books.

Vietnam   The Things They Carried
(for all YOUTUBE links - you can use your network login and password to get through the filter)

Resources from the Folger Shakespeare Library:

Resources from other websites:

All Quiet on the Western Front
  1.   Archives of artifact images from WW I
  2.  Faces of War - Smithsonian Magazine article about facial reconstruction done for soldiers who were injured in the trenches - with a video link embedded
  3.  Primary Source - letters from the front
  4.  Flanders Battlefield Website -lots of pics of now and then
  5.   BBC homepage for world war I - lots of interactives, virtual tours of a trench, articles, and pics - great site
  6. Video from the 20th century battlefields show - the Western Front
  1. Videos of the best motivational speeches - in 2 minutes
  2. All speech related videos on teachertube -
  3. The top 10 things not to do when giving a speech video
  4. Scholastic Speech Writers Homepage - with audio recordings of student speeches and resources for how to write a speech
  5. Creating better presentation slides to go along with a speech (meets the ODE technology standards for 9-12)
The Scarlet Letter

Here are some other activities you might like


These are site links to Nathaniel Hawthorne resources


6th Grade Literature Unit Ideas

Lexile Books

6th Grade Lesson Plans and Resources From ReadWriteThink (all lessons)
6th Grade Lesson Plans and Resources From ReadWriteThink - Literature only

The Outsiders
S.E. Hinton@ WebEnglishTeacher  This site was created by the resident educator in Indiana. It is a collection of outside links to sites that have lesson plans, web based activities and chapter studies for the novel. There are also links to SE Hinton’s homepage.  I pulled out two lesson links that I thought were good for integrating other subject areas.

Unit Plan focusing on Self Identity   This unit includes a number of critical thinking activities including reflection journals, comparisons and character analysis. There is a strong writing component and a portfolio of work included

Short Story Activities - 

  • In this lesson, students will read three short stories about women, written in different historical periods. Students will read each story and discuss the development of female characters in a particular setting, the role of women, gender differences, and society's expectations. To understand and make sense of the story, students will also get to know each author. During the last session, students will compare all women characters in the three stories and will bring them to life by having the characters meet and discuss similarities and differences in their lives.
  • Online versions of the short stories included in this lesson

  • Few would argue anymore with the notion that comic strips and graphic novels can be high art. They not only get translated into film (Ghost World), but make it onto the walls of museums (Chris Ware at the Whitney Biennial). They often combine the pleasures of estimable literature with estimable art, wittily, sometimes beautifully, often provocatively. This lesson makes use of graphical form to illuminate Eudora Welty's “A Worn Path”. By rendering aspects of the story into carefully considered "comic strips," students learn to appreciate elements of characterization, setting, and plot in a manner that engages them actively in the production of meaning.



Poetry Websites

Poetry Lesson


 Kindergarten Language Arts Interactive Sites